Roughness and Topography Analyses

By the use of AFM atomic force microscopy, even the most difficult surfaces in the µm and nm range can be imaged three-dimensionally topographically. You can then apply various analysis tools to these data sets, depending on the problem.

Cross-section analyses

The topography data of AFM measurements allow freely selectable cross-sections, which can then be measured precisely depending on the problem. It is typically used to analyze structures in the nm and µm range.

CFM, AFM, Querschnitt, Analyse

Querschnittsanalyse einer Oberfläche.

Roughness analyses: Determination of RMS and Ra values

The topographic data sets of AFM measurements enable the determination of typical roughness values, such as mean standard deviation (RMS) and mean roughness (Ra), but also Fourier analyses (PSD, power spectral density), particle size measurements and others.

Bestimmung verschiedener Oberflächenparameter


If you are interested in determining these parameters, we will be happy to advise you. Simply contact us at